Speaker: Patrick Chenal

  • Paul English 039 with Paul B and Patrick C

    Paul Biener drops by as does Patrick Chenal in hour 2. A freewheeling show looking at Twitter, London Real, YouTube censorship, bees. thinking global and acting local plus UK and US upcoming elections on July 4th and November the 5th respectively.  PODCAST RSS FEED:  https://paulenglishlive.com/feed/podcast/pel

  • Paul English 037 with Paul B and Patrick C

    Cast off for a voyage of discovery, scurvy and rum. Tea is fine too.  PODCAST RSS FEED:  https://paulenglishlive.com/feed/podcast/pel

  • Paul English 035 with Paul Biener and Patrick Chenal

    May day may day … HR 6090 psyops and freedom of speech … books and things.  PODCAST RSS FEED:  https://paulenglishlive.com/feed/podcast/pel

  • Paul English 033 with Paul Biener and Patrick Chenal

    Is it Istanbul or Constantinople ? Plus The Peasants Revolt, The Red Dagger, Michael Hudson, education, Meccano and a clip or three.  PODCAST RSS FEED:  https://paulenglishlive.com/feed/podcast/pel

  • Paul English #017

    Does the ghost of Christmas future haunt this show ? Or is it just the after effects of too many mince pies ? A loose knit gathering with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Shelley Tasker, Mallificus Scott, Gary Rees, Patrick Chenal and Paul Biener.  PODCAST RSS FEED:  https://paulenglishlive.com/feed/podcast/pel